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Logo - USC School of Cinematic Arts ANIMATION + DIGITAL ARTS

The Chrisman Family Animation Library

The Chrisman Family Animation Library is OPEN for in-person and online requests.


Animation Library hours for in-person browsing:

Wednesday 4-6 PM

Thursday 4-6 PM

If you are unable to visit the library during open hours, you will still be able to request books via e-mail throughout the week.

How to check-out books via email:


If an item is not in the catalog, you can submit a request to add for future purchase consideration: New Item Request Form - Animation Library. All urgent requests, please make sure to e-mail Elena eaquino@cinema.usc.edu as well so it can be reviewed quicker, and identify why the book will be needed. Please make sure to also look for titles in USC’s Libraries (Leavey & Doheny: https://libraries.usc.edu/) before submitting a request.